A Year of Learning, A Year of Fun!
Scouting with Pack 137 offers Scouts a variety of fun, educational, and enriching activities
designed to promote the values of Scouting for the world of today.
designed to promote the values of Scouting for the world of today.
Our Current calendar is shared with our Pack families through Scoutbook.
Pack Wide Activities include:
Rocket Launch
Pinewood Derby (rules) Pack Monthly Meetings Community Service Blue & Gold Dinner Bi-Annual Hikes Town Parades 2 Overnight Camping experiences Summer Camping Opportunities Winter event overnights (Museum of Science, Battleship Cove, Ecotarium, Plymouth Plantation, McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center, Children's Museum of New Hampshire) |
Den Activities include:
Working toward Rank requirements & Electives
Community Service Camping Individual Opportunities include:
Outdoor Activity Awards Faith-based Awards Summer Camp Cub Scout Lingo: "Be Prepared" is the motto of Scouting. |